Invention of Head Phones


What: Headphones
Inventor: Nathaniel Baldwin
Invention Year: 1910
Made From: Telephone receiver earpiece
First Purchased by: United States Navy(100 Pairs)

Nathaniel Baldwin
Headphones were made from telephone receiver earpiece.  before amplifiers were developed It was only way to listen to electrical audio signal. The first set was developed in the year 1910. They were invented by Nathaniel Baldwin. Nathaniel Baldwin was Fundamentalist Mormon and engineer. He made the first pair of headphone on his kitchen table with his hand. At first, sceptical private investors dismissed his idea. United States Navy was first buyer of his headphones. They ordered 100 pairs from him which made him a rich man.
The navy started asking more of headphones from Baldwin, while he accept orders of only 10 at times as kitchen was his production place.

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