
The First Computer….

DO YO KNOW??? The First Computer….  U.S. Army Photo of the ENIAC Excerpts: What: ENIAC Full form: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator Inventors: J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly When: 1946 Type: First Electronic Programmable Computer Occupied Space: 1800 square feet consist of 20000 vacuum tubes, 1500 relays, 10000                              Capacitors, and 70000 resistors Required Electicity: 200 kilowatts, cost about $487000 ENIAC Patent: US #3120606 filed on June 26, 1947               The first computer in the world was ENIAC, which was US built. This was the first electronic programmable computer. It was built in the US. ENIAC was similar to the colossus, making this computer much faster, flexible and complete with all the aspects. ENIAC was the worlds first computer, built in the year 1946. It was used for solving numerical problems. ENIAC was invention of J. Presper Eckert, John Mauchly at   Pennsylvania universi

Invention of Head Phones

DO YOU KNOW??? WHEN THE HEADPHONES INVENTED? Excerpts What: Headphones Inventor: Nathaniel Baldwin Invention Year: 1910 Made From: Telephone receiver earpiece First Purchased by: United States Navy(100 Pairs) Nathaniel Baldwin Headphones were made from telephone receiver earpiece.  before amplifiers were developed It was only way to listen to electrical audio signal. The first set was developed in the year 1910. They were invented by Nathaniel Baldwin. Nathaniel Baldwin was Fundamentalist Mormon and engineer. He made the first pair of headphone on his kitchen table with his hand. At first, sceptical private investors dismissed his idea. United States Navy was first buyer of his headphones. They ordered 100 pairs from him which made him a rich man. The navy started asking more of headphones from Baldwin, while he accept orders of only 10 at times as kitchen was his production place. Claim : The blog strictly prohibits the use of the content


DO YOU KNOW??? WHEN AND HOW ATM’s EMERGED.. Excerpts: Inventor of ATM Card and Cash Machine: J ohn Adrian Shepherd-Barron Year of Invention: 1967 Place: North London First Bank to Introduce Automated Cash Machine : Barclays Bank ATM is Automated Teller Machine. John Shepherd-Barron is the inventor of ATM Card. He was the British inventor who led the team who involved in developing the first cash machine. Invented in the year 1967. He came up with the concept of a self-service cash dispenser in 1965 while lying in a bath after getting to his bank too late to withdraw money. John Shepherd-Barron   Barclays Bank in its Enfield Town branch in North London, United Kingdom was first put into use the automated cash machine on 27 th June 1967. Rag Varney was inaugurator of this machine who was English comedy actor. Claim : The blog strictly prohibits the use of the content published here, under any form  in any location.

Nokia: From a paper mill, to the world’s biggest mobile company!!!

Nokia: From a paper mill, to the world’s biggest mobile company!!! Hello Friends, As we all know on 3 rd September 2013, Nokia announced that its hardware department would be acquired by Microsoft in a deal worth $7.2 billion. After eight months, the deal was completed and with it came the end of an era which has seen plenty of ups and an equal number of downs. Let’s take a look at the brief So, we thought to walk you through the history of Nokia company that started out as a paper mill in small village in Finland . Here we are, from its beginning in 1865 as a single paper mill operation, Nokia had found and nurtured success in several sectors over the years, including cable, mobile devices, paper products, rubber boots and tires, and telecommunications infrastructure equipment. Nokia’s sector-by-sector success over the years has mirrored its geographical rise: from a Finnish-focused company until the 1980s with a growing Nordic and European presence;

Inventor of Microwave Oven

Hello friends                      This space will take you through the journey of Micro Wave Oven                                                                                        Percy LeBaron Spencer What : Inventor of Microwave Oven Name of Inventor  : Percy LeBaron Spencer Date Or Time : 1946 , at the end of World War II Technology used : Micro Wave Radiation  Nationality:  American The Microwave oven was first invented in the end of World War II. It was recognized as number one technology. It made the life easier. Microwave oven was invented by  Percy LeBaron Spencer.  He was self taught engineer. Spencer worked on magnetrons, tubes which are used to make microwave radiation and used in radar system. It was just because of his innovation which raised the production from 17 per day to 2600 per day. In 1947 the first microwave oven was tested in Boston. cork, ceramics, paper, leather, tobacco, textiles, pencils, flowers, w

Student's Best Friend or Biggest Enemy: PEN

Hey Friends wanna know your PEN: Busygalaxies gets some interesting bits of information about emergence of the pen The early humans probably scraped rocks onto other rocks, or sticks onto rocks, in an attempt to draw/write. Authored By:  Chief Content Researcher : Harshali Subhash Koli Excerpts At first : Scracthing rocks onto other rocks. Pencils made of rustle led Soon After : Quill Pen Place where quill pen invented:  Spain Quill Pen was made up of:  Swan Features Time of invention:  19 th  Century Pens finally took on an actual shape in 3000 BC, as the ancient Egyptians used a special type of rush that was growing on the coastline. This special type of rush is known to us as "Juncus maritimus", or sea rushes. These plants were used to develop writing on papyrus scrolls. A small advancement was made to the early writing utensil in 1300 B.C., when the Romans developed a metal stylus. The metal stylus was thoroughly defined

When Did Concrete Jungle Start growing its roots?

When Did Concrete Jungle Start growing its roots? Excerpts Extinct Traces of inception: Nabataea Traders or Bedouin Tribe Time : around 6500 B.C. Usage: Contruction of Oasis Time of Actual Technology Identified : Around 700 B.C. Usage: Contruction of Houses, Rubble Walls, Water Cisterns, etc Revolutionary Research and Implementation : Around 300 B.C. to 476 A.D Whom : Romans Called as : opus caementicium Applications : Buildings, Briges, Watch Towers, Construction near Water Surfaces, etc Composition or Materials: 1.   Lime 2.   Silica 3.   Alumina 4.   Iron 5.   Gypsum Claim:  The blog strictly prohibits the use of the content published here, under any form in any location Owner-Ship : Blog do not claim the owner ship of any information published here, it is collection of information from the sources referred in the references, if the reader or the original owner of the content found some issues with references, connect with us on